Discover flowers that look like pom poms, and add color and charm to your garden with the fluffy, round blooms.
Flowers that look like pom poms bring a fun, unique look to any garden. The round, fluffy blossoms add texture and color, which makes them perfect for garden beds, borders, or flower arrangements. These charming plants are easy to grow and can brighten up outdoor spaces or indoor bouquets beautifully.
Flowers that Look Like Pom Poms
1. Bluemink
Botanical Name: Ageratum houstonianum
Also known as flossflower, goatweed, and Mexican paintbrush, Agertum produces fluffy, round clusters of small flowers in shades of blue, purple, pink, or white. This cool-season dwarf shrub can reach up to 1-3 feet tall.
2. Persian Buttercup
Botanical Name: Ranunculus asiaticus
This tuberous perennial shows off colorful blooms in multiple delicate layers with crepe paper-thin petals. A single plant can produce up to 35 blossoms in a single blooming season. It can reach up to 12-24 inches tall.
3. Pompon dahlias
Botanical Name: Dahlia pompon ‘Rocco’
Pompon dahlias, like Dahlia ‘Charlotte Bateson,’ have beautiful, round, globe-shaped flowers that come in various colors. Ball dahlias are similar but smaller and have a slightly flattened top.
4. Marigold
Botanical Name: Tagetes spp.
Marigolds have bright, pom-pom-like or daisy-shaped flowers in shades of yellow, gold, orange, red, and mahogany. Some particular types have striped, two-colored, or creamy white blooms. These pretty blooms in warm tones with fern-like leaves are true annuals; they finish their life cycles in a single growing season.
5. Globe Amaranth
Botanical Name: Gomphrena globosa
This tropical annual plant from Central America from Guatemala to Panama features clover-like blooms on upright spikes from summer through frost. The flowers appear in the shades of purple, pink, and white.
6. Allium
Botanical Name: Allium giganteum
Alliums are perfect for late spring and early summer gardens. They look great with tall foxgloves and appear to float above other plants. Alliums come in different sizes. For example, allium giganteum has large, round flower heads. Plant the bulbs in the fall.
7. Buttonbush
Botanical Name: Cephalanthus occidentalis
Buttonbush is a deciduous shrub that boasts fragrant, round clusters of Flowers. These flower heads are made up of numerous tiny, tubular flowers that attract butterflies and other pollinators.
8. Billy Buttons
Botanical Name: Craspedia globosa
Billy buttons, also known as drumstick flowers or woolly heads, produce unique, spherical, golden-yellow blooms atop slender stems. Each flower head is composed of tiny, tightly packed flowers.
9. Hydrangea
Botanical Name: Hydrangea macrophylla
These showy shrubs produce large, rounded clusters of flowers called “mopheads,” creating an impressive pom-pom effect. The individual blooms are small and usually four-petaled, in shades of blue, pink, purple, white, or bicolor, depending on the soil’s acidity.
10. Peony
Botanical Name: Paeonia
Double or bomb-type peonies boast densely packed layers of ruffled petals that come in a wide range of colors, including white, cream, pink, red, and even yellow. The large, fragrant blossoms are a beautiful focal point in any garden setting.
11. Double-flowering Cherry
Botanical Name: Prunus serrulata
Some varieties of flowering cherry trees, such as ‘Kanzan’ and ‘Shogetsu,’ produce double blossoms with numerous petals. The flowers typically come in pink or white and often exude a light, pleasant fragrance.
12. Zinnia
Botanical Name: Zinnia ‘Queen Red Lime’
Zinnia ‘Queen Red Lime’ is a unique zinnia with red petals that have lime-green tips. It’s great for filling empty spots in flower beds and also grows well in containers. This zinnia makes a wonderful cut flower. Plant it in a warm, sunny place. Learn how to plant zinnias.
13. Snowball Tree
Botanical Name: Viburnum opulus ‘Roseum’
The Viburnum opulus ‘Roseum,’ or snowball tree, gets its name from its round clusters of white flowers, which sometimes show hints of green or pink, blooming in May and June. This pretty shrub also has colorful autumn leaves. Plant it in moist, well-drained soil with sun or partial shade.
14. Hollyhock
Botanical Name: Alcea rosea ‘Peaches n Dreams’
Alcea rosea ‘Peaches n Dreams’ is a beautiful, unique hollyhock with fluffy, peach-colored flowers. Plant it in groups in the middle or back of a sunny cottage-style garden bed. Cut it back after it blooms to encourage new growth.
15. Thrift
Botanical Name: Armeria pseudoarmeria ‘Joystick Red’
Thrifts have round flowers on thin, wiry stems above a low mound of evergreen leaves. Armeria pseudoarmeria ‘Joystick Red’ is a hybrid thrift, perfect as a cut flower. Plant it at the front of a garden bed or in a pot in a sunny spot. The flowers look nice in a vase and can also be dried.